Useful links

Join the Friends of Higham Hill Library public Facebook page here:

Sign our petition here:

Help us raise money for the campaign here:

A UEL student project, Libraries Unite, are following our campaign. They have a facebook page here:


Support your Library by joining your library!

Does everyone in your household have a current library card? Can you find them? Have you used them recently? If not, here is your chance to get sorted (and then go and take out a book)!

From the council page: “Waltham Forest Libraries is a member of the London Libraries Consortium (LLC) and you can use your Waltham Forest Library Card not only in any Library in Waltham Forest but in any library within the LLC. This gives our residents access to millions of books across London which can for a small charge, be reserved to arrive at a library near you.”

And for those of you who can’t put your phone down there is even an app!